Fearful dogs

Fear in dogs

Fearful dogs and how we can support them

To be afraid in some way is natural and normal and even necessary. Fear is there to protect us, to make sure we survive.

Various fears exist, each with distinct levels and underlying reasons. Among the fears commonly observed in "pet dogs", learned fear stands out. This can lead to a chronic state of nervousness and a more generalized anxiety about life.

Dogs can be particularly frightened by:

  • · Confinement in general where escape isn't possible, regardless of whether the threat is real or perceived.

  • · Being trapped in small space without an exit.

  • · Feeling tightly restrained (by a a short leash) or pinned down.

How can we support our dogs?

Firstly, identifying the type of fear is crucial, though it's not a simple task. Observation of the dog's behavior provides insight. It's equally important to gauge the intensity of fear, ranging from mild concern to full-blown survival mode.

Maintaining a realistic perspective is essential.

Are the dog's reactions truly extreme, or are they just displaying mild worry? Consider whether our own emotions are skewing our judgment. Sometimes, we might be more anxious than the dog. Remember, our reactions often guide the dog's responses to different situations.

Allow them to learn without fostering helplessness.

If the dog is reacting to a non-threatening situation, grant them the opportunity to explore on their own. Interference eliminates their chance to learn and develop self-assurance. In situations where danger is present and the dog is anxious, either remove them from the scenario or communicate using body language. Preventing slight worry from escalating to panic is crucial. Assist your dog before their instincts shift into survival mode.

Certain circumstances may be beyond your control, lacking a foolproof plan. While it's not always simple, strive to remain as calm as possible and offer the best protection for your dog.


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